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Giving to Gods WORK

As Zion City Church  is a charity, we are fully dependent on the kindness and generosity of our church members  to sew  to allow us  continue gods work  and to help  our  ministry, you can boost your donation by 25%  you donate by gift aiding. 

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year.

Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.​ 

Registered charity no. 1181754

ways you can donate:
Hands Red

Donate durning the Sundays service either  via card or cash.


 Donate via PayPal  or   you can shop and donate via Amazon smile  or Easyfundraiser 


if you are a uk tax player please say yes to gift aid  at no extra cost to you, we can claim an extra 25%. you can obtain the forms below. 

Single donation

Multiple donation

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